FloridaOne DMAT


Thank you for your interest in the FloridaOne DMAT, Inc. Our organization supports the Federal Disaster Medical Assistance Team (FL1- DMAT) and the Emerald Coast Healthcare Coalition.     These teams provide a cooperative partnership between public and private entities that work with communities to provide emergency health and medical services in times of a crisis.  Our FIU team is actively pursuing individuals to join, For more information, please call 850-863-3628

Although the main reason for the teams' existence is to respond to natural or man-made disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, industrial accidents, major transportation accidents, terrorist attacks, weapons of mass effects (WME) and armed conflicts, often resulting in mass causalities and patients causing a hospital surge, both teams are always ready for the call, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.  

Our mission however, even with the thousands of dollars of inventory and equipment,  would be useless in a disaster if not for the dedicated, multitalented, caring professionals giving time and experience to make someone’s disaster a bit more tolerable.  The FL1-DMAT and FIU teams are comprised of people like yourself with expertise in the fields of medicine, mental health, communications, administration and logistics. Being a team that operates with cohesive teamwork has carried us further than most, and we do not intend to slow down.

If you would like to help those in their time of need please click on the how to join page. With the right qualifications you can join a team whose response ethics are second to none.


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